Ultimate Carolina Adventure Race Schedule
Check-in/Packet Pick-up for Teams will be from 3-630 p.m. on TBD at the Recreation Room, Hickory Knob State Park for the All UCAR Teams.
In order to start this adventure on time, all teams MUST be represented at check in on Friday night, whereby not delaying the start of the race. KanDo Waviers MUST be signed and turned in before being permitted to participate in the UCAR. An additional GREEN INFO SHEET will be handed out at this time. We will begin handing out course UTM’s at the Start location at the Red Barn at 5:00 am race morning.
All racers will be REQUIRED to attend the pre-race brief at 6:30 a.m morning of the event. A safety briefing and overview of the race, maps, and specific course instructions may be given out at that time. REMEMBER, THIS IS A REQUIREMENT FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE RACE!
THE RACE WILL START AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE BRIEFING, Rain or Shine. The race will have a cut-off time of 7 pm. Winning teams will be based on the most CP’s accumilated in their classification in the least amount of time. For the first and after every 15 minutes a team is late to the finish line, they will lose 1 CP.
The “Post Race” party will begin at 7:00 p.m. for all racers. Guests are invited; however, Racers must be served first and then there will be a $5.00 charge for all non-participants who choose to eat. The awards ceremony will begin immediately after dinner, with 1st, 2nd & 3rd place awards being presented to the top three finishing, Coed, all Male & all Female, divisions. All other race participants will receive a finisher medal and will be eligible to win sponsor prizes at the party. (You must be present to win)